Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Interesting question...

Today a friend was going on about providing for your children. You know... just how much is enough?

Should we be like animals that take care of their young for like 3 months (our equivalent of like 15 years) and then desert the kiddies?

SHould we be planning to leave the kids anything in our wills?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Think page perhaps- Clairvoyance

The dictionary defines it as the ability to see beyond the obvious…
A lot of the time, it can be seen to occur naturally, and in those cases, a person is seen to be very perceptive, intuitive, or just plain old sharp…

Other scenarios explain that one has a little more experience than others, and can in many cases, see what or where one is going before they say the next sentence…. Try hollering at your grand momz, pops for a bout of clairvoyance…

Recently, I had a simple if very nonchalant discussion about the fact that women are blessed with a huge degree of clairvoyance, but many a time are very blind about many issues that relate to themselves…. I had this discussion with my grand pops and he just scoffed it off, saying that I am un-exposed to very endearing females…

He said these are the ones who will always express themselves, though not as easily done… as is rather said… they will always listen to whatever it is however crappy the reasons that you put forward…

Many a time, we are hesitant to listen because of the more often times than not that these endearing women are prone to say something out of the blue and put us in a doubting position...

Hmmmn Tandra, what dyu think?

But I guess that is what makes the human balance even more interesting huh!


Thursday, April 17, 2008

I apologize...

SORRY....havent posted in awhile... new post over there

Friday, April 4, 2008


Zimbabwe is yet to declare a winner... some what predictable, which is the sad part. when will africans realize that u dont have to hold onto power to be impactful. 

When will we realize that power is a tool of importance that dwindles to nothing more than selfish empowerment because at the end of the day, u dont live for you and everything you do has an impact. 

Nuff said.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

idle notes

Why is the world messed up? Why cant we actually achieve world peace?

I sometimes think its a cruel joke or meant to be sarcastic when be for beauty pageant finalists to be coached to give that answer when asked what they would want for the world.

Word peace.

Achievable? Doubt it.

Like every relationship in life, there's always someone out to cause discord, out to make everyones life a problem. 

Is world peace achievable?  the world might be a too big place... Is peace achievable in your family?? total peace and not the "makings" or the illusion of peace?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Shot gun weddings: An eminent return maybe?

I have heard and grown up on shot gun wedding stories, a practise that called people to be morally upstanding and correct in their relations with each other and to treat marriage with sacredness.

Today, this practice is more or less unheard of. It is unheard of for your parents to ask your suitor what his intentions are mainly because your suitor changes faster than the wind changes its direction. Sexual relations outside the bonds of marriage has become so common place that people are a resorting to emotional blackmail to get married.

The things that once scared young people into marriage (mainly pregnancy) have stopped being issues when one engages in sex outside marriage. You would think that the advent of diseases such as HIV would cause people to think carefully about engaging in sexual activities but this is not the case.

Instead, as a result of indications by some, that you can avoid contracting the disease and other STDS, people have become less afraid of attaining countless partners. It has been said by many people that they are more afraid of getting pregnant than getting HIV because you can hide the disease but you cannot hide your pregnancy.

Marriage was meant to be a celebration of the unity between man and woman, a structure within which a family could be created and maintained. Today, marriage is at most a "lucky acqusition" and more a piece of paper than anything else.

For all the brutality and finality of the short gun wedding, this might be a way to right some wrongs. If your father and brothers stood up for you, your husband would not even think of taking on young innocent girls, the practice of "sugar daddy's" would be some what curtailed which would in turn reduce on the spread of HIV/AIDS and STDs.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Western traits that will take some time to catch on.

I find it interesting that when you walk up to someone and start up a conversation, be it at a party or official meet, you probably wont know the person's name unless they are introduced by a third party or you read their tag, should they be wearing one.

Its an akward situation most of us find ourselves in more than once every so often. You meet this interesting person and you talk for hours after which you realise you do not know their names or what they do with their lives.

I suspect it is because we have been brought up to suspect everyone who shows the slightest interest in us, especailly when we cannot see them making a positive contribution to ourlives in anyway.

The communal tradition of sharing "riches" also tends to limit one's enthusiasm in declaring to all who listen what field they work in and where. People tend to take this as an invitation to score some shillings off you and in a bid to deflect clearly unwanted request, you play around with providing exact information.

Europens and Americans on the other hand will probably tell you their life history in one go. What their name is in full, where they work, possibly where they live, how much they earn and what their family does/own.

The African in you bulks at this information overload and the shrewder part of you questions how to make a quick shilling off the unsuspection guillible European. It is no wonder that people say women like hanging with Europeans instead of the natives.

If the African would reveal how much he had, you would not be so "underminding" of his spending capacity..... think about it.