Monday, March 17, 2008

Shot gun weddings: An eminent return maybe?

I have heard and grown up on shot gun wedding stories, a practise that called people to be morally upstanding and correct in their relations with each other and to treat marriage with sacredness.

Today, this practice is more or less unheard of. It is unheard of for your parents to ask your suitor what his intentions are mainly because your suitor changes faster than the wind changes its direction. Sexual relations outside the bonds of marriage has become so common place that people are a resorting to emotional blackmail to get married.

The things that once scared young people into marriage (mainly pregnancy) have stopped being issues when one engages in sex outside marriage. You would think that the advent of diseases such as HIV would cause people to think carefully about engaging in sexual activities but this is not the case.

Instead, as a result of indications by some, that you can avoid contracting the disease and other STDS, people have become less afraid of attaining countless partners. It has been said by many people that they are more afraid of getting pregnant than getting HIV because you can hide the disease but you cannot hide your pregnancy.

Marriage was meant to be a celebration of the unity between man and woman, a structure within which a family could be created and maintained. Today, marriage is at most a "lucky acqusition" and more a piece of paper than anything else.

For all the brutality and finality of the short gun wedding, this might be a way to right some wrongs. If your father and brothers stood up for you, your husband would not even think of taking on young innocent girls, the practice of "sugar daddy's" would be some what curtailed which would in turn reduce on the spread of HIV/AIDS and STDs.


Jinta said...

"Today, marriage is at most a "lucky acqusition" and more a piece of paper than anything else."

you are right in that the unquestioned adoption of 'civilization' has deprived of many of those things that were good in our cultures

Zayzee said...

first time here. true things u said. there need to be a preparation school for marriage to offer orientation, because so many things r wrong

Maua said...

I'm jealous, I'll not share a man. If only I can teach everyone to be jealous like me, then, maybe, just maybe, people can stick to their partners.

Ms. emmotions said...

hmmmmm, what if everybody is jealous? it sure will make things easily, i gree wit u - @maua on this,
these days marriages aint want marriages are meant to be, only a few have real marriages and are happy wit it,
to crown it all, divorce is on the rise....

Flourishing Florida said...


don't know if d short-gun wedding is really d way 2 go. i've seen many men hold a grudge against their wives cos they insisted dat they were conned into marrying them. i've always been very careful abt getting pregnant cos i knew i never was going to abort d kid, & i ddnt want any man making an honest woman of me out of guilt

willpress said...

Weh, these shot-gun weddings are becoming soo common that guys are,through survival instincts i guess, creating defence mechanisms against blackmail into marriage. . .

For instance, a pal o myn did it without the sock (accidental slip, no pun intended) so he calls his gurl up and tells her casually not to "miss her periods" . . .so now if she comes to him all pregnant hes gon say, "thought i told you to sort your periods" then run for the hills.

Well, theres always this fear of not being ready for marriage. . . I think thats the enemy ladies. .create a smoke screen around it and you will be saying I Do in no time!