Today a friend was going on about providing for your children. You know... just how much is enough?
Should we be like animals that take care of their young for like 3 months (our equivalent of like 15 years) and then desert the kiddies?
SHould we be planning to leave the kids anything in our wills?
i dont plan to leave mine anything. i work hard and am determined to give them quality (especially education) when i'm alive. when i go yonder, of course they're welcome to what i left behind, but that is not my plan. my plan is to prepare them adequately for life
since its not possible to carry anything, the best option wd be to leave them to yo kids. but am trying to raise mine in such a way that he is responsible enough to leave even more for my grandkids
eeh leave my kids? alone? to get spoilt? no! no! no!
My will has to incliude my kids...
would u rather leave your stuff to relatives or to charity??
You have had of people who leave theirs to Dogs..right. wow.
true parenting has no end. even after your children are grown and doing their own thing, you are still technically the person they are supposed to go to when things get complicated. There is a big difference between being there for some one and spoiling them.
as far as your will goes,you know best what your children deserve.
If I have any, they are getting everything i have.
I dont know how much is enough...cos children need more the older they get. Yes, you should leave the children in your will....even before your spouse.
As for me my dig is to give them the best of education,then will let them fend for themselves,give them responsibility and they will respect your efforts otherwise they will take all for granted
the only part you should guard is to leave your will to your children,that is a must for me
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