Thursday, April 17, 2008

I apologize...

SORRY....havent posted in awhile... new post over there

Friday, April 4, 2008


Zimbabwe is yet to declare a winner... some what predictable, which is the sad part. when will africans realize that u dont have to hold onto power to be impactful. 

When will we realize that power is a tool of importance that dwindles to nothing more than selfish empowerment because at the end of the day, u dont live for you and everything you do has an impact. 

Nuff said.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

idle notes

Why is the world messed up? Why cant we actually achieve world peace?

I sometimes think its a cruel joke or meant to be sarcastic when be for beauty pageant finalists to be coached to give that answer when asked what they would want for the world.

Word peace.

Achievable? Doubt it.

Like every relationship in life, there's always someone out to cause discord, out to make everyones life a problem. 

Is world peace achievable?  the world might be a too big place... Is peace achievable in your family?? total peace and not the "makings" or the illusion of peace?