Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Only in Uganda and to some people

Would it matter what your name is
where you went to school
who you know
who they know
where they work
what car they drive
what you drink
which watch you have
if your phone has WAP


eddiie said...

Would it matter what your name is

Yes.Why because your parent didnt give you the time to decide what suite you.You just grew up to be know so and so....

where you went to school
Average schools.Not the traditional ones..

who you know


who they know

????they know

where they work

??all over the circle.Less into politics..

what car they drive

Nothing but Toyotas..whether cabina,corrollas,etc

what you drink

Coke and Rwenzori

which watch you have
Plastic blinking watches

if your phone has WAP

I would never stay at my work place or even visit a cafe....that is if the WAP was free..LOL

I think am done...

eddsla said...

yes...ani akumanyi??

GERALD said...

why not mind..

Cheya said...

O well, I don't agree with Tandra that such things only matter in Uganda.

Americans have a notorious tendency of asking what a stranger does for a living. Not to size him up, but to figure out his line of thought.

Your name is your identity; your school greatly shapes your beliefs, passions and character just like the people you know (your friends). You'll be amazed at how similar friends' mindsets are.

So this stuff matters a great deal, it gives one a clear picture of who they're dealing with.

Ms. Catwalq said...

It matters everywhere to some people

candybox said...

It doesn't matter to me. The only reason i would ask above questions was to make polite conversation. Which i hate anyway so would probably never ask.

Cheri said...

Wat is WAP?

Jinta said...

it probably matters more in nigeria...

candybox said...

@jinita Nigerians are the most afflicted by this ailment, but i have to say you do find the odd Kenyan ailing from this.

Sasuke said...

the truth is it doesnt really matter but it just depends on ones persona

Mo said...

Its all about prejudgement! So what tribe am I.. UGANDAN!!

First get to know me as a person then we can talk! See?

Afolabi said...

as my fellow-nigerian catwalq said, all you mentioned matters everywhere from Nigeria to the vatican...look, even the pope has his own special mobile...

Jinta said...

ok. i guess you update once every 3 months, looking at your last 2 posts?

BrokenStreetLight said...

just like kenya.some problems are contagious..aint they>?

Mo said...

Actually, that elitism exists in so many places.