Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Propaganda but good.

September 11. Hmmmm...u know, i was wondering why everyone was going september 11th speaking about. Had almost forgotten why this day was so "important".

Where as i sympathise with the families affected by september 11th, on some other level i think its pure propaganda that i dont know if i want to associate with.

Everyother day no, make that every single day, some African is dying as a result of war or disease or famine. More than one African, Asian or watever. Does it get as much air time? No..reason? it aint "terrorism" and it didnt happen in the US of A.

We all know HIV/AIDS is a serious issue but we usually hear about it around December 1st (thats world AIDS day, just incase u didnt know). Other issues like the Environment or blood donation or those associated ailments like TB and malaria we hear about in passing...u know why? they arent "that important". Most people take these things as "9-5 jobs" once i step out of PSI, Mulago, Y.E.A. H, UNASO, TASO or what ever, it doesnt matter any more.

I think it "doesnt matter anymore" because in the first place, our societies are structured in such a way that we do not think about the bigger picture which is why i think Behavour Change Communication Strategies have not been as effective as people/statistics would have us believe.

I mean, when u attend these "rallies" what do people see? Bebe cool jumping all over the place, Bobi wine declaring faithfullness to his wife and watever.Bebe Cool and Bobi wine are great crowd pullers but what message does the audience pick up?

Bebe cool and bobi wine are cool with blingage and women!!

An african believes he has made it when it he has land, some money for malwa and a load of women and not neccessarily at the same time. Now if our muscians in trying to be "international" pick up and promote things like "promiscuity" in the guise of "entertainment", really, why would a man in kabarole listen to you talk abt ABC?

Had these things been happening inthe USA or Europe, gosh we wld never hear the last of them. I mean, who actually knows just how bad HIV/AIDS is in America or Europe??? Usually these things read like " Action Aid, with the help of the American Association of Africanhelpers visited Uganda, acountry ravished by Aids. This coutry has a pervalance of ... and has suffered for over 20 yrs"...

Sometimes its almost like colonailism all over again.. U know kinda like how the English went over to help the "Savages" in America..u know, "lets help those less fortunate"...

And dont even get me started on stereotyping. Its a tie in to decide which race is worse to be (my gramma is a bit warped, forgive me). i actually saw this in an airport..

Walking through security check points, passengers were asked to remove laptops, place bags at security entry points before walking through the secuirty "door",(no idea what its actually called). This man, possibly of arabian decent (u cant tell the talibans from non-talibans,can ya?) walks through, removes his laptop, empties his pants, removes his shoes,runs his hands threw his hair (ok, last part is embelishment,but sure u see the point) and walks through, looking like he was awaiting an ambush anytime simply because of his skin colour.

I mean really, the poor African starts questioning if they too should do that? But u know, as Dave Chappelle says, we r kinda safe. We wldnt make good hostages, no one wants to save the blackie unless it looks good for "world peace"

im rumbling...lost my point somewhere, so me beg to leave now.


Anonymous said...


eddsla said...

am wondering to my self were i've been all this time, i need to visit here mo often.


simon said...

i apologize. did i delete one of your comments? if so, i certainly was not inclined to do so.
keep up the good work,


simon said...

Hi there

Several bloggers have asked me to change the name of my blog because to them 'nasty predator' seemed to be inappropriate. My new name is BrawnyHunk (yes, that's the name of it ;-) ), and I'm now hosted at

If you have bookmarked me, or if you would like to visit me again, please use the new address.

I look forward to talking to you soon,
